Alyssa McPherson, IBCLC

Lactation Consultant

Serving Northwest Arkansas


Breastfeeding is natural but doesn’t always feel that way and it isn’t always easy.

Many things can interfere with breastfeeding getting off to a good start – complicated pregnancies and birth experiences, sleepy newborns who can’t nurse long enough to take in enough milk, sore nipples, not to mention sleep deprivation and raging hormones.


Becoming a new mom is HARD.

While some new moms are lucky enough to have grown up surrounded by positive breastfeeding images and family support, many new moms face a stressful, isolated learning curve.

As an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) and mother of 6 breastfed babies, I am in a unique position to help new moms overcome their breastfeeding challenges and meet their breastfeeding goals. If you need practical, hands-on help, skilled observation and insight, fresh ideas and warm encouragement, please call me today to arrange an in-home consultation.

I’m in-network with most PPO insurances and can provide lactation services with no out-of-pocket cost to you - including no additional travel fees.

I’m located in Bentonville, Arkansas and serve all of Northwest Arkansas.

From pre-natal to postpartum - I’m here to help in any phase you might be in.

  • “Alyssa was a lifesaver! She came to our house on short notice and stayed patiently for 2+ hours observing, coaching, and counseling me. She had helpful tips (latching tips, de-engorgement tips, and feeding rhythm tips). She came on our child's 4th day and our lives have been better since. If you're a first-time parent or having trouble, I wouldn't hesitate to call Alyssa - she's likely to make your post-partum life easier.” – Tilly

  • “I called Alyssa 6 weeks after my baby was born and I was having the hardest time nursing. I became very depressed because of the difficulty I was having. She came over and spent 2.5+ hours with us helping me get a good latch, getting off the nipple shield and teaching me positions. She even came over with a scale so I would know he was getting enough. It is because of her that I was able to feel more confident nursing and could finally leave the house without fearing he would get hungry.“ - Mariah

  • “Alyssa came to my house and helped me, first, by identifying my LO's tongue tie. I instantly had a friendly shoulder and cheerleader. After the tongue tie was healed, I had to coax my LO back to breast. Alyssa was by my side every step of the way with ideas and encouragement (but without being at all pushy). She never once made me feel like a failure if I wanted to stop my efforts and switch to bottle. In fact, she made me feel like a wonderful mom doing the best for my LO, whatever the outcome. Removing that stress of 'failure' was key in empowering my continued efforts and eventual success in a fully BF baby!” - Ingrid

  • “Being a first-time mom, I struggled with breast feeding and dreaded when it came time to nurse because I'd sit there in tears. Alyssa came to my home and was very sweet and personable and helped me out tremendously. She even helped me a lot after her visit. If I had any more questions or any concerns, she offered additional help and advice right away and continued to check in on me to see how I was doing. I know I wouldn't have been able to breastfeed without her help.” – Cienna

  • “Alyssa is amazing! I struggled a great deal breastfeeding my daughter at the beginning. Alyssa helped me overcome a lot of obstacles with her support, patience, knowledge, and practical advice. I continue to successfully breastfeed in large part because of Alyssa. As time goes on and questions come up, she is always there for me. I highly recommend her to anyone needing help breastfeeding.” – Merrick

  • “Alyssa is amazing and I owe a great deal to her for my success breastfeeding my twins for a year. She is so kind and supportive and goes above and beyond expectations to help you overcome obstacles. I would highly recommend her to anyone needing help. She has come to my aid with support and suggestions many, many times over the last year. One person can make all the difference in a successful breastfeeding relationship, and she is it!”

    – Ashley

  • “Alyssa is the best lactation consultant that I have encountered since having my first baby 9 months ago. I had a nightmare of a time trying to get my son to nurse. We saw 3 different lactation consultants in the hospital, had a different lactation consultant come to our house 2 times and after spending an arm and a leg on that person, found Alyssa. Alyssa was patient with my son and I, understanding and compassionate. She was always available for follow up by phone or text. While visiting my sister in Ohio, I texted Alyssa and she gave suggestions, emailed me articles, etc. She didn't require any payment, just provided us with free advice, and my sister wasn't even her client!” – Lori

  • “Alyssa is AMAZING! I called her 6 weeks after my baby was born and I was having the hardest time nursing. I became very depressed because of the difficulty I was having. She came over and spent 2.5+ hours with us helping me get a good latch, getting off the nipple shield and teaching me positions. She even came over with a scale so I would know he was getting enough. It is because of her that I was able to feel more confident nursing and could finally leave the house without fearing he would get hungry. I wish I had known about her sooner so I could have saved myself a lot of tough days. She is patient, friendly, and nurturing. I have spoken to her a few times since that day for added advice and she's always been so willing to help. Call her, you won't regret it!” – Mariah

  • “I can't say enough great things about Alyssa, she's fantastic! I called Alyssa and she was available for an in-home consultation on short notice, which was really appreciated since as a new parent leaving the house can be tricky! She was available by phone, email and text which was great also. I found her to be personable, pleasant and knowledgeable. She gave me some helpful pointers and weighed my daughter before and after a feeding so that I could see how much she was taking in. I would highly recommend anyone looking for a lactation consultant to reach out to Alyssa.” – Maria

  • “I cannot say enough good things about Alyssa. I had a really rough start at breastfeeding. My baby was in the NICU for 2 days, I was using a shield, supplementing with my milk and pumping. At 3 weeks post-partum, I was exhausted and about to give up on breastfeeding but wanted to give it a fair shot, so I reached out to Alyssa for an in-home consultation. She responded within hours, and we had an appointment set up for a day later. She even came an hour earlier than our appointment time because it worked better for my baby's feeding schedule that day! The consultation went amazing! Alyssa showed me ways to ditch my nipple shield and I have not used it since our appointment (1.5 weeks now!) which is a miracle! I thought I'd have to use it forever as I had tried to ditch it before and was unsuccessful. She also showed me different positions and just overall made me feel so much more confident about breastfeeding. If you're at all struggling, I highly recommend getting help from Alyssa. It's so helpful to do it in your own home and Alyssa is so sweet and so knowledgeable! It will make a world of difference for you. She also checked in on us well after the appointment which is just above and beyond. Oh, and cherry on top - she gave my pediatrician a detailed report of our consultation which my doctor more than appreciated and was super impressed with! Best experience ever!” – Kate